Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Site

It has been up for a short while now but I reorganized and redesigned my site. It is up and running so feel free to check it out! 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's About Slime for an Update

A lot has happened since my last post. There feels like there is much to tell. It has been a crazy year. One of those years where you feel involuntarily immobile as life races by. (Instead of one big recap post I'll start with the most recent news and work my way back in later posts.)

As the summer months were ending I started another exciting transition period. For about 11 months I had been in Nashville, TN working at Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio and I definitely enjoyed my time there. I am grateful for the experience and for the people I met and worked with. I got to work on some fantastic projects, which I will share when I can, but for now I’ll fill you in on my most recent news. As of September 6th I began working as an animator at Nickelodeon Animation Studios in Burbank, CA. 
My time here has been great. Being creatively challenged and supported by my fellow animators has been highly motivating and a great learning experience. I remember watching Nickelodeon growing up and now I get to help create cartoons kids will watch and enjoy today.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Staying Loose...

Keepin' it fresh, winter fresh.

This is something new I have been working on to stay loose. One of the many things I am going to take with me from this project is 'performance drives animation.' I have heard that before, and it's undeniably true, but it really sunk in on this piece.

If you haven't heard of Animation Home School, check it out. It's an hour long tutor session with an animator from Disney all done through Skype. Valuable and awesome stuff. Thanks Malcon!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tim Hodge - Off The Wall Streetart Art Reception

I wish I would have been a bit more punctual with this post but I still wanted to share even though it is kind of last minute.

If you are in Nashville (or surrounding area) you should attend! Tonight from 6-9 pm CST at Rocketown there is an art reception for Tim Hodge that I am excited to be able to attend. Tim continues his work with Big Idea and worked at Disney for a number of years. From story artist, to producer, to animation department and directing, Tim has had several responsibilities throughout his career. Since I am a huge fan of both Big Idea and Disney I am pretty stoked about this opportunity.

Tim Hodge - Off The Wall Streetart Art Reception

A little about Rocketown. (which I copied and pasted from their 'about' section on their site) Their mission is to share Christ’s love with youth through creative programs and mentoring relationships that are culturally relevant and eternally significant. Rocketown houses a coffee bar, photography, art and dance studios, stages for live entertainment and middle Tennessee’s only indoor skate park.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Animation Principles

During school we practiced and studied the principles with basic animations. Thinking back I realized even if I had a clearer perception of animation (which I'm still learning), I felt I was fighting the software more than understanding what I was trying to animate. I wanted to go back and revisit these exercises. It keeps me practicing, animating, and thinking. So here is, hopefully, the first of many studies I am eager to continue exploring as I keep the ball rolling.

"Do not forget to study the basics." John Lasseter emphasized this in an interview when referring to aspiring animation students. Through school, and most interviews I read or hear, these words seem to resonate in one form or another.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Family Rock Stars

From time to time my family puts together a music mix full of a few choice songs we can't help but bob our heads to. Just for kicks, I thought I'd share the process of turing my family into rock stars for the CD cover.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

This goes out to you mom. Today is kind of an important day for an important lady in my life. I owe so much to my mother and as I get older I am discovering my mother's wisdom has been, how you say, right. Thanks for all you have done and still do in my life and the lives of others. Enjoy your day!